Monday, December 15, 2014

Create a new record in the opened form

Create a new record in the opened form

We can insert the record by using the below code. This is the normal procedure, creates new table buffer, assign values and call insert method.

void clicked()
    Hari_ExamResult  examResults;
    examResults.StudentName = "Zyx";
    examResults.Standard = "Sixth";
    examResults.ExamResult = "Pass";
    examResults.RollNo = 1004;

Our scenario is how to add a new record when form opens. If you use the above code in this scenario we should call the below code after the insert method before the super method call.


Note: Here, form datasource reread method won’t work, because when we call the reread method, it won’t call the form datasource executequery method. But, if we call the research method, it will call the form datasource executequery method.

The best practice for this scenario is calling the form datasource create method.

void clicked()
    Hari_ExamResult.StudentName = "Zyx";
    Hari_ExamResult.Standard = "Sixth";
    Hari_ExamResult.ExamResult = "Pass";
    Hari_ExamResult.RollNo = 1004;


Please use the form datasource create method to create the records when form opens.

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